We are a learning community in the Catholic tradition, inspired by the love, justice and compassion of Jesus.
Each person will know the joy of successful learning, through the provision of a quality curriculum and resources, best practice teaching and personalised support which responds to individual needs and aspirations.
We strive to live and develop our Catholic faith through prayer, education, service and celebration with an invitation to all.
Each person in our community will experience welcome, respect and support, so that they may have life to the full.
Created in the image of God, all will know and experience, equality, respect, forgiveness and responsibility.
We strive to develop in ourselves and others, empathy, forgiveness and generosity.
All children will truly experience safety and care. We will ensure our community is empowered and committed to child safety and that our policies, structures and processes properly identify and effectively address concerns. This will include comprehensive risk management and staff and volunteer screening and recruitment procedures.